
Hospital / Care Center Notarizations

We help with a significant number of notarizations for people in Nursing Homes and in Hospitals.

Here are the basic steps to make that possible:

  1. The Signer must be coherent and of sound mind, able to understand what they are signing.
  2. If they are in sound mind but need help physically or from a technology standpoint you will need someone in the facility to help. If you or a relative/friend can be inside then it's easier. If the facility isn't allowing visitors we typically use either a Social Worker or someone from the Chaplain's office.
  3. For the notarization the signer needs:
    (a.) A device to join a Zoom Meeting (Phone, tablet, laptop, etc.);
    (b.) an email address that the signer can access to electronically sign the document. Signing is a "click-to-sign" process. (c.) a way to verify their identity.
  4. To verify their identity the State of Texas requires two methods: 1. ID Credential verification - we use a text based system that has you take a picture of the back of your driver's license. 2. Knowledgebase Authentication where we ask you historical questions. If the signer doesn't have their ID, or is not able to complete the knowledge based authentication we can verify someone else's ID / KBA and let them serve as a witness to the signer (often this is an easier way - for example we would verify the ID of the Social Worker in the facility and then they would identify the signer.

If you have questions about the process send us a message or give us a call, we'll help you through it.

You can find more information on the  Process Page

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